**Applications are now closed.

Any questions? Contact Suryansh, the organiser, at [email protected].**


Oxford Global Priorities Research (OxGPR) is an interdisciplinary team of researchers aspiring to perform foundational research on questions of how decision makers and institutions can best improve the world. We work on a range of projects doing both conceptual and empirical research, tackling questions about which populations are of moral importance and how we can benefit them.

Every term, you will take on a short, well-scoped research project and spend 5-10 hours on it per week as part of a 2-5 person team. Your exact responsibilities will depend on the nature of the projects and your experience and background. However, we do want all those involved in OxGPR to have ownership over their work. Particularly for those with relevant expertise, we expect most researchers will be taking on mini-projects rather than RA-type work. Teams will meet weekly for an opportunity to co-work, sync up on progress, and clarify questions and concerns over meals.

Why are we doing this?

Project Leads

Julian Jamison is a professor of economics at Exeter University, on secondment to Oxford University’s Global Priorities Institute. His work has been published in academic journals spanning a wide range of disciplines, and it has been mentioned in media outlets such as The New York Times, Foreign Affairs, The Wall Street Journal, National Public Radio, Forbes, Foreign Policy, The Washington Post, Bloomberg, and The Economist. He has consulted for the US National Institute of Mental Health, NASA, the US Army, Bates White, Lockheed-Martin, and GiveWell. Julian has traveled to roughly 90 countries, and he once received a special award in physics at the 1987 science fair in Washington, DC.

Tomi Francis is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy at the Global Priorities Institute, University of Oxford. His research is mostly in normative ethics (especially population ethics) and decision theory. He's also interested in practical ethics, logic, and the philosophy of mathematics. Currently, he mostly thinks about questions that are relevant for assessing the strengths of our moral reasons to improve the long-term future of humanity.


Animal Welfare from First Principles (Julian)

Empirical Approach to Population Ethics (Julian)

Future Generations and the Non-Identity Problem (Tomi)

Partial Aggregation and the Far Future (Tomi)

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria will largely be project-driven. These research groups are open to people with a variety of backgrounds, with the only requirements being the ability to commit 5-10 hours a week to work on these projects. The following criteria are not necessary but are nice to have:

However, we encourage applications from a wide range of backgrounds and experience. Additionally, limited funding is available upon request for applicants who would otherwise be unable to join. If in doubt, please do apply!